So here it is, happy new year!

In a complete offshoot: I can play that on bass 🙂

So what do I want this year?
Well I’d quite like a uni place, that means I need to achieve A*AA which is going to be interesting 😛

Grade 8 guitar would be nice, as well as learning to drive (and passing my test) but there not so critical.

How do you want to change?
Well this Christmas I added a few kilos so losing them again would be nice 😉

I need to start doing more exercise againn I didn’t mention it but I injured my leg recently which has put rock climbing on hold but I suspect it’s good enough to start again. Would also quite like to start the press ups again to beat last years 60.

Yeahhhh!! Could be interesting though, going to uni I’m going to lose a lot of contact with friends from the youth group and I’m going to have to get myself into the habit of going to a new church hopefully not hungover…

What else?
You know… So long as it’s good, I don’t really care 🙂

So enjoy your new year, and let it be a good one 😀

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