
So I’m Jamie. I work as an Indie Game Designer with some friends. We’ve made some money out of it so it can’t be too bad 😛

I’m working on my grade 8 guitar and I also play bass in a swing band. I’m self taught at piano (that means I’m not very good) and trying to teach myself harmonica (that means I’m even worse at that).

I used to do a lot of electronics but don’t do that so much anymore. Still. It’s occasionally usefull to know the difference between a transistor and a toaster (broken transistor).

Having said all that, this blog is actually (finally) mainly focussed on my life – as boring as it is – and so there’s a little less condecending programmer talk than when I started, which is good!

I get more followers when I shutup about code 😛

I usually post here every time something big gets coded, built or I get results etc so that usually means about once every couple of days, I won’t post multiple times in a day as I hate spam and I’d have to try and assassinate myself for it afterwards… O.o

3 Responses to About

  1. Hey, found your blog from Unity forum and guess what? ❓
    Your excessive usage of smiley are the same like mine! XD

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